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A meal without wine is like a day without sunshine.

- Anthelme Brillat-Savarin  

Duckwalk's Pinot Noir sunshine in a bottle. 




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SKU: 2019 P Noir

" There must be always wine and fellowship or we are truly lost. " 

Ann Fairbairn

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SKU: 2020 P Meunier

“A bottle of wine is the ultimate distillation of time and place; a poetic expression of individuality itself.” 

― Amor Towles

Duckwalk's 2018 Blue Duck Merlot, time and place in a bottle. 

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SKU: 2018 BD Merlot

“I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food.” 

― W.C. FieldsBlue

Duck Cabernet Sauvignon in the glass or in your favorite recipe. The Blue Duck 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon makes and excellent mulled wine, sangria, or finishing off your family's favorite recipe. Never cook with a wine that you won't pour in your glass is a motto we live by. 

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SKU: 2020 BD CabSauv

"He who knows how to taste does not drink wine but savours secrets”

– Salvador Dalì

Savour Duckwalk's 2019 Chardonnay and taste the secrets of stainless steel fermentation. 


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SKU: 2022 BD Chard
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SKU: BD Brut

"Wine cheers the sad, revives the old, inspires the young, makes weariness forget his toil." --- Lord Byron.

Enjoy an Inspiring glass of Duckwalk's Sauvignon Blanc served well chilled and with reburished glee. 


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SKU: 2022 SauvBlanc

" There are thousands of wines that can take over our minds. Don't think all ecstasies are the same ! " 

Jalaluddin Rumi 

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SKU: 2023 P Grigio

“it's a smile, it's a kiss, it's a sip of wine ... it's summertime!” 
― Kenny Chesney

Gatsby Red the perfect chilled summer red wine that like our other wine makes you smile after every sip. 

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SKU: Gatsby Red

“Compromises are for relationships, not wine.” – Sir Robert Scott Caywood

 The signature blend of the Hamptons. Southampton White is the uncompromised choice for your guests to enjoy beachside and toes in the sand with glass in hand. 

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